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[영문리포트] 다문화사회 수업, 대한민국 안산 리포트

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최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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다문화 사회 수업에서 국경없는 사회 (borderless society)로 대한민국 안산(의 역사, 기능, 문화, 그리고 현재 문제점) 을 소개하였습니다.




According to the Trends in International Migration 2015 from the United Nations, the number of international migrants has reached 244 million worldwide, which reflects a 41% increase since 2000. Over the years, people cross borders with their dreams and ideas to seize opportunities unavailable in their home countries. And now, migration has become one of the main causes of globalization. As people call the world today as a borderless society, there is a city called a borderless village in South Korea, Ansan. Ansan is a contemporary and controversial city that functions as a center to the nation’s multiculturalism and economic future.
Ansan is a city situated next to Incheon and Seoul. It is next to the coastline of the Yellow Sea and Incheon International Airport. With these conditions, Ansan has developed as an aggregation of industrial complex cities and, this is where the history of Ansan as a multicultural city has begun.

참고 자료

Kim, S. (2019). [팩트체크] 외국인 근로자 임금 얼마나 받나? | 연합뉴스. [online] 연합뉴스. Available at: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20190619142500502 [Accessed 30 Dec. 2019].
Lee, J. (2018). [경주신문] (3)안산지역 외국인 체류 현황 및 정책. [online] 경주신문. Available at: http://m.gjnews.com/view.php?idx=57848 [Accessed 28 Dec. 2019].
Park, S. (2013). Ansan ㅡ ghetto or multicultural enclave?. [online] TheKoreaTimes. Available at: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2013/04/386_134111.html [Accessed 3 Jan. 2020].
Trends in International Migration, 2015. (2015). [ebook] Department of Economic and Social Affairs, p.1. Available at: https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/migration/publications/populationfacts/docs/MigrationPopFacts20154.pdf [Accessed 7 Jan. 2020].
외국인 인구통계를 통해 본 안산시. (2014). [Blog] 뱁새의꿈. Available at: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=proshadow&logNo=90192926732 [Accessed 2 Jan. 2020].
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[영문리포트] 다문화사회 수업, 대한민국 안산 리포트
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